How is Xapo Savings different from the Xapo current account?
eparate internal account that you can take advantage of by transferring funds from both your BTC and USD Wallets and into your Savings accounts. Xapo Savings is not directly linked to external financial transfers and offers a secure, "bunker-like" experience for storing your savings.
How is Xapo Savings different from the Xapo current account?
Xapo Savings is a separate internal account that you can take advantage of by transferring funds from both your BTC and USD Wallets and into your Savings accounts. Xapo Savings is not directly linked to external financial transfers and offers a secure, "bunker-like" experience for storing your savings.
Whereas your Xapo Wallet is handling your daily expenditures such as card payments and money transfers, Xapo Savings allows you to grow your money in secure and responsible manner. You must ensure you have enough funds available in your Xapo Wallet for those payments, as funds held Savings will not be used to cover them.
If you require assistance, please reach out to us via in-app chat or email[email protected]. We would be happy to help.
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