Should I use the dynamic currency conversion (DCC) offered by merchants?
Transactions and spending
Xapo offers you zero-commission exchange rates for spending and withdrawal in currencies other than US dollars. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you do not use Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) when interacting with merchant terminals.
Should I use the dynamic currency conversion (DCC) offered by merchants?
Xapo offers you zero-commission exchange rates for spending and withdrawal in currencies other than US dollars. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you do not use Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) when interacting with merchant terminals.
If you accept a DCC rate at a Point-of-Sale or ATM, you will not benefit from the Xapo rate and, due to the margins charged by merchants, you will end up incurring higher costs for the transaction.
If you require assistance, please reach out to us via in-app chat or email [email protected]. We would be happy to help.
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