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How can I withdraw USDT?
We convert your US dollars for USDT** automatically. You can withdraw US dollars as USDT using theEthereum networkfor a smallfee. You can do this by following a few simple steps on the Xapo app:
Step 1 - Tap on Send.
Step 2 - Scan the QR* code or tap on Enter crypto address manually to add your USDT deposit address and tap Continue. Beware of sending funds to an incorrect address as funds will be irredeemable.
Step 3 - Enter the amount of USDT you would like to send and tap Continue.
Step 4 - Tap Confirm and validate your withdrawal with App PIN or biometric.
*Our QR code reader can differentiate between USDT, Bitcoin, USDC, and Lighting Network addresses.
**Bear in mind that our conversion from USD to USDT is not 1:1 as opposed to USDC. The exchange rate depends on the prices we receive from our liquidity providers and the size of the deposit.
If you require assistance, please reach out to us via in-app chat or email [email protected]. We would be happy to help.
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