FAQsUS dollars, Pounds Sterling & EuroWhat is the exchange rate applied from G8P to USD?

What is the exchange rate applied from G8P to USD?

US dollars, Pounds Sterling & Euro

Xapo Bank’s rate is based on the interbank exchange rate on Pound Sterling deposits and withdrawals which is dynamic and varies in response to market conditions.

What is the exchange rate applied from G8P to USD?

Xapo Bank’s rate is based on the interbank exchange rate on Pound Sterling deposits and withdrawals which is dynamic and varies in response to market conditions. It is a highly competitive rate independent of the amount sent.

When withdrawing US dollars as Pound Sterling, you will be able to see the rate to be applied to your transfer beforehand.

If you require assistance, please reach out to us via in-app chat or email [email protected]. We would be happy to help.

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